We The People — Let’s get together

Leann Lamb-Vines
2 min readSep 29, 2017

Between Russia wanting us to be distracted (thus crippled on the international power scene) by internal division and Big moneyed interests wanting us to be confused about facts, We The People are a bit messed up. Those underlined words above are links to articles. The first inspired this preachy and desperate rant and there is another that expounds upon it here. I hope you will look at them.

Can we recognize that there are forces on us that have their best interests in mind and not ours? Then can we begin to see that we have much more in common than we do not have in common? Can we start seeing each other as neighbors, as common allies, as what the world needs now to move forward in a way that will last?

We The People, the ones that know to care for one another, not the ones that use their monkey minds to make sure they’ve got theirs regardless of whether others have anything (remember the mantra greed is good); could We The People get together and start putting our agendas based on our true needs up front and drop the issues that divide us for a bit, especially the ones that draw us through the muck of lies and deceit intended to confuse us?

Per the first article above, Russia has used bots to enhance divisiveness around the NFL’s taking a knee. This is just one example of the problem. But isn’t it obvious that there is no community that wants a police force that sees the community it is policing as the enemy? I think we can all agree on that. We need to feel that policing is done in a way that holds members of our community’s safety as their primary goal. Is this not a no-brainer? Why is there any division over that?

We also all want to live in communities that support our basic human needs — including safety and security, housing, food, clothing, healthcare and family and friends; places to gather, to worship together, to learn from each other and simply to enjoy being with each other. This I believe is the true American Dream: that we have strong community with opportunity to flourish in our human-beingness.

Can we drop the bot inspired division and media dis-information for a bit and began to listen to one another? Maybe then we can start to identify what we have in common instead of what we are lead to believe we don’t have in common by those that would use us as tools for their agendas.

I hope!



Leann Lamb-Vines

I write when I feel like writing. I process concerns by writing, hoping solutions and understanding are there to be explored and discovered. Let’s talk!